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  • Writer's pictureTRISH

Beauty For Ashes

I Love #Reading! The #Torah! & this is Good news for me.

You yourself is free to read and learn Torah (#Book #Ezra) tells us that after finishing building the (#Heyqal) what was they next step? It was reading and learning from Torah what the laws are in order that temple can be maintained. And who is that temple...Its us the people who follow him

The natural building is a demonstration to man how are we to walk this place of #Divine There's always a order on how things are being done and yes of coast some of you didn't know that building was just a picture of what we are to be and the reason why it so because some of us thinks only literal. The #Soferim (Sadducees) had a literal mindset on how they view things in scripture so this was the reason for them asking so many questions to #Moshaich #Yahoshua. Hear me: when too many question goes out of context it always brings with it confusion and division. Take for example ha satan he asked so many twisted question that he cause the fall with #Adam & #Avah in the garden of #Eden For us to build that relationship we have to return back on the #Threshing #Floor and from here elevates us to the #Golden #Altar what I mean its through #Palal (Pray) that restore us there.


The threshing motion us into the Glory and Esteem of #Eloah (God)

The place where all our sins has been forgiven and now we been giving an wave offering to Eloah. For all he has done for us
This place is the second dimenstion where the golden altar is located

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